Yuguang "Michael" Fang

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Information For Authors


Any paper that is submitted for possible publication in the IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology must satisfy the following requirements:

1. It must be prepared in accordance with approved IEEE practice.

2. New products information is of interest when emphasis is placed on advances in the art rather than on proprietary aspects. All technical articles shall be free from references which are of an advertising nature, such as trade names, company names, or codes, unless such references are absolutely essential for technical reasons.

3. The paper should contain a sufficient number of references so that a reader is conveniently led to other related work. Papers without references will normally be returned for correction prior to submission to the reviewers.

4. If a new submission is based on a published/accepted conference paper, the previous work must be cited in the journal submission, and the new submission should offer substantive novel contributions beyond the previous work. These requirements fall under Author Responsibilities as listed in the IEEE PSPB Ops Manual, section 8.2.1.B. Please include a summary of new contributions and previous conference paper(s) in the submission. We do not accept any submission that is basically the same as a conference paper or papers in technical contents.

5. To assist the reviewers, the paper should be double-spaced, single column, and in PDF format. Please use a font size of 11 pt or 12 pt when submitting your paper for review. 

6. All international language fonts must be removed.  These fonts prevent the pages from displaying properly once the paper has been uploaded to Manuscript Central.

7. The complete manuscript (including figures and tables) of a Regular Paper should be in general limited to 35 pages. For a Correspondence, the length limit is 12 pages for the main text (with 12-point font size and about 26 lines per page), and a total of 7 figures and tables (a subfigure is counted as one figure).

8. The editorial decision "Reject" for a paper is final. We do not accept any submission which is a revised version of previously rejected paper(s).

Detailed information on preparing material for authors is given on the IEEE Publications webpage.

Figures and photos should be original proofs and not photocopies. Photos must be glossy prints with no screens. Laser prints are not acceptable in place of photos or where gray scale graphics are involved. All line drawings and photos should be large enough to be readily legible when the drawing is reduced to one- or two-column widths as much as 4:1 reduction from the original. Materials should be no larger than 22 x 28 cm (8 1/2 x 11inches). Do not incorporate electronic graphics into the paper. Graphs should be drawn with only the major coordinate lines showing, since a chart containing a large number of closely spaced lines will not reproduce legibly. Short "ticks," extending a short distance from the axes, may be provided for convenience in reading intermediate values.

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The Transactions on Vehicular Technology are published by the IEEE and sponsored by VTS

To contact the editorial office, email System Administrator or Editor-in-Chief
or send correspondence to:
Professor Michael Fang, Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering, University of Florida, 435 New Engineering Building, P.O.Box 116130, Gainesville, FL 32611, USA.

Modified:  April 2013