Yuguang "Michael" Fang

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What to Send to Reviewers


Once you have identified reviewers, the tool allows you to send a request via email to the reviewer to see if he or she is willing to review the paper. If the reviewer is not already a user of the online tool, you can add the reviewer to the tool by clicking the "add new reviewer" button and entering first name, last name, and email address (the reviewer can add other information later).

When a new reviewer is added to the tool, he reviewer will not know the login ID and password to use. However, the tool offers the ability to check for an existing account on the login screen. This can be used by the new reviewer to retrieve account information.

If the review agrees to review the paper, usually by replying to your email, then you click the "agreed" button (as opposed to the "decline" button). The tool then sends a second email to the reviewer, giving more information on how to perform the review. It also makes the paper available to the reviewer (in the reviewer center). If the reviewer declines to review the paper, you indicate that by using the "decline" button in the tool. If yo do not hear from the reviewer (or you forget to tell the tool whether the reviewer has agreed or declined), then the tool sends one automatically generated reminder to the reviewer after one week.

When a reviewer agrees to review a paper, the reviewer has access to the paper as well as the Reviewer Score Sheet. The Score Sheet allows the reviewer to provide feedback to both the authors and the Editor regarding the suitability, technical soundness, and presentation of the material. It is important for the referee to provide a clear recommendation as to whether the paper should (in their opinion) be accepted, accepted with conditions, reconsidered with major revision, or rejected.

Parts of the Score Sheet are used to generate the decision letter and provide feedback to the other reviewers. Thus, it is important that the reviewer enter the review using the online tool. In the extreme case in which is is not possible, the part of the Score Sheet that is available to the authors can be cut and pasted into the decision letter. It will also need to be sent in separate emails to each of the reviewers once the decision is approved.

Sometimes the reviewer sends part or all of the review to the Editor via email, rather than entering it into the online tool. In this case, the Editor should encourage the reviewer to enter it using the tool. If the paper has already been moved out of the reviewer's account, it can be moved back in by contacting online support ("Get help now"). If the reviewer still doesn't enter the review, it is important to obtain a form of the review that is simple text. (Other types of files may contain information that identifies the reviewer, so it is good practice to avoid sing such files from the reviewer.) Then, the following needs to be done.

1. When ceating the preliminary decision, the review needs to be pasted into the decision letter.

2. After the decision is released, the review (the part intended for the author) needs to be sent in separate emails to the other reviewers.

The Transactions on Vehicular Technology are published by the IEEE and sponsored by VTS

To contact the editorial office, email System Administrator or Editor-in-Chief
or send correspondence to:
Professor Michael Fang, Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering, University of Florida, 435 New Engineering Building, P.O.Box 116130, Gainesville, FL 32611, USA.

Modified:  April 2013