Yuguang "Michael" Fang

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Handling Revised Papers


Most papers will undergo one or more revisions. A revised paper will be entered using the online tool and is sent directly to the Editor who handled the reviews of the original version. The tool assigns a number related to the original paper number by adding a R1 extension (R2 is used for second revision.

If the changes requested and made are minor, you might simply verify that these changes have indeed been made and then accept the paper as either a paper or correspondence. This usually happens when the previous decision was "accept with minor revisions."

However, many revised papers will need to be sent back to the original referees for a second round of review, particularly when the previous decision is reconsider with major changes. In this case, the reviewers will have access to the original paper, its decision letter (which includes all reviews of the original paper), nd the response of the authors to the reviewers. The online tool does not automatically invite reviewers back for the revised paper. It does copy the list of original reviewers and skips the initial "invite reviewer" stage. Thus, the Editor needs to click the "agreed" button for the reviewers that will be used again for the revised paper. Additional reviewers can be added in the usual way.

Generally, if a referee has provided an initial review, it will not be difficult to obtain a second review of the paper from him or her. As with the original paper, the tool automatically sends reminders at 30, 45 and 60 days.

Sometimes an author will accidentally submit a revised paper as a new paper. If you suspect you have a paper in this situation, contact the Editor-in-Chief.

The Transactions on Vehicular Technology are published by the IEEE and sponsored by VTS

To contact the editorial office, email System Administrator or Editor-in-Chief
or send correspondence to:
Professor Michael Fang, Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering, University of Florida, 435 New Engineering Building, P.O.Box 116130, Gainesville, FL 32611, USA.

Modified:  April 2013