Yuguang "Michael" Fang

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Frequently Asked Questions


Q. How do I enter a new reviewer's name into Manuscript Central?

When you log into Manuscript Central and go to your Editor Center, you will see a list of options numbered 1 through 10. Option #8 is User Administration. Select this option and complete the information for the new reviewer in the given form. IMPORTANT: At the bottom of the form, be sure to select "Yes" when asked if this person is a reviewer. Also, don't forget to click the "Add User" button at the bottom of the screen. This is how Manuscript Central will know to enter this person into the database and generate the necessary letters.
Q. I get reminder notices for late reviews, do I need to do something?

Yes. You should formulate an email to the reviewer asking about the status of the review. The notices are not currently sent automatically to the reviewers. This gives you an opportunity to customize the message.
Q. One of my reviewers complains about the quality of the figures or equations, what can I do?

In this case, the authors will have to upload a new version of the manuscript. Please send an email to System Administrator with a request. Make sure you include the manuscript number.
Q. I want to look at a review I did previously, but it's not in my center any more.

When you go to your Editor center, you will see the main menu on your left and some search boxes on your right. You can enter searches in those boxes to locate previously reviewed manuscripts. If you leave all the boxes empty, it will show you list of all the reviews you managed.

The Transactions on Vehicular Technology are published by the IEEE and sponsored by VTS

To contact the editorial office, email System Administrator or Editor-in-Chief
or send correspondence to:
Professor Michael Fang, Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering, University of Florida, 435 New Engineering Building, P.O.Box 116130, Gainesville, FL 32611, USA.

Modified:  April 2013