EEL4598/5718: Computer Communications

(Here is the Syllabus)

If the beasts were all gone, man would die of a great loneliness of spirit. For whatever happens to the beasts, soon happens to man, all things are connected. (Chief Seattle, 1854)

The most compelling reason for most people to buy a computer for the home will be to link it to a nationwide communications network. We're just in the beginning stages of what will be a truly remarkable breakthrough for most people - as remarkable as the telephone. (Steve Jobs)

The Internet will disappear. There will be so many IP addresses, so many devices, sensors, things that you are wearing, things that you are interacting with, that you won't even sense it. It will be part of your presence all the time. Imagine you walk into a room, and the room is dynamic. And with your permission and all of that, you are interacting with the things going on in the room. (Eric Schmidt)

Contact Information

Professor Yuguang ``Michael'' Fang
435 New Engineering Building
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Unversity of Florida
Phone: 352-846-3043, Fax: 352-392-0044
Email:, Http:
Office hours: 9:30-10:30am, Tuesdays and Thursdays or by appointment
Class time: T: 10th Period (5:10-6:00pm), Th: 10-11 periods (5:10-7:05pm)
Classroom: 330 Larsen Hall

TA: Ms. Yaodan Hu
Email: Yaodan Hu
Office: 444 NEB
Office hours: 9:35-10:35am, Mondays or by appointment

Textbook and References


Lecture Notes

Course Project

Homeworks and Solutions

Additional Resource

Academic Honesty Statement

All students admitted to the University of Florida have signed a statement of academic honesty committing themselves to be honest in all academic work and understanding that failure to comply with this commitment will result in disciplinary action. This statement is a reminder to uphold your obligation as a student at the University of Florida and to be honest in all work submitted and exams taken in this class and all others.
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